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Writer's pictureMrs L

The Bedhoppers Social 2.0

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Hey sexy readers,

It has been a little while since I last posted, mostly because Covid kept me house bound for pretty much a whole month! I finally got well enough to go out just in time for the Bedhoppers Social 2.0. Initially I wasn't going to blog about it, as it isn't all that easy to make drinking and chatting all that exciting, but I have had a few people ask me about our experiences at the event and had feedback at the event that my blog post about the previous event had helped people make up their minds as to whether to go or not, so I changed my mind. I hope that this post too will be useful for others who are considering attending a social and I hope you enjoy!

After the previous social, we knew that when the next one came around, we simply had to attend again. Compared to the only available local social we had attended before (there just don't seem to be any in our county). this event had been absolutely amazing. I would go as far as to say that it was a gold tier level lifestyle event!

As usual, the Bedhoppers set up a Discord channel beforehand for all the attendees. Although I think it didn't feel quite as busy as the previous one, it still was very active and a lot of fun. It really is a great way to get to know some of the other people that are going to the same event. By chatting beforehand, it doesn't feel like you walk into the even "cold", if you get what I mean. A real sense of community formed; we helped each other with outfit choices, shared previous adventure and thoughts on aspects of the lifestyle, and closer to the date used the chat to set up pre-social dinner get togethers and the like. And of course the odd sexy picture was shared by those brave enough to do so.

When the day came, Mr L and I made sure to leave early so we had plenty of time to get ready and get a bite to eat before the event. Last time we hadn't given ourselves enough time and it ended up being a rush. Unlike during the Social 1.0, we didn't encounter anyone in the lobby or in the hotel bar before going out. But as we had plenty of time, we did take advantage of the lovely hotel room to have a bit of a sexy photo shoot and, well, photo shoots only ever end one way with us: sex! It really is a case of the photographer being unable to keep his hands of the model with us, but the model doesn't mind. The social hadn't even started and we were already having a sexy time!

We had organised dinner together with two other couples in a Thai place, when we got there only one of the couples was there, because the other couple was running late and unfortunately never made it in the end. We had a lovely time chatting with this couple and the food was delicious. It really was a lovely meal. Before long it was 7pm and time to go. It was only a short walk from the restaurant to the venue, which was perfect.

One thing that Mr and Mrs H from the Bedhoppers had done beforehand, was to make a little video of the venue: what the street looked like, the entrance and where within the building we should go to get to the event. This turned out to be really useful. It made us feel confident we were in the right place and made us look and feel like we knew what we were doing. Inside the lobby of the venue was big ornate chair, a veritable throne, and we couldn't resist taking a picture on it. It really was fabulous.

Then it was down the stairs, into the venue. We got there at the right time as there wasn't really a queue, but a bunch of people, including TheTwoofus, who we got to know better at the last social (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), all arrived at the same time of us.

Just like last time, we received a warm welcome from the hosts when we walked in through the door. It was lovely to see Mr and Mrs H again and ahead of us we could see a bunch of familiar faces. The big surprise though, was spotting Violet Bessant (from What Violet Did on Twitter). She had kept it super quiet that she was coming and it was sooooo lovely to see her. Of course I had to give her a big hug!

Then it was on to the bar for our free cocktail and time to start socialising. There were lots of hugs with people we knew from before and lots of chats with people we had never met. This is where the night becomes a little bit of a blur, because by now I can genuinely not quite remember who I saw first, who I said what to and when! This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact it was my first night out since NYE and I got very much stuck into drinking copious amounts of wine. So just like last time, I will once again just list my highlights; in no particular order, here they are:

  • Seeing TheTwoofus in person again for the first time since last September. It was so good to give those two a big hug and catch up with them. I really do wish they lived closer!

  • Meeting Clt_bang, Mr Sprite, Mr and Mrs Sluttypants and Mr and Mrs_C in person. I have followed these on Twitter for years and it was fun to meet them in person.

  • Chatting a little more in depth with some of the people we met last time and who we hadn't managed to chat with back then.

  • Drinking a little too much wine, OK more than a little, and admiring the spectacular cocktails with a smoke filled bubble on the top.

  • Having my chat with Violet interrupted, because a mystery surprise had arrived and she had to go upstairs to deal with it. I expected a wrapped present with a bow to turn up, but next thing I knew, Secret Vixen and a stranger walk in. The stranger was her surprise! It was Ashley del Toro, who had flown all the way from Chicago just to meet her! That truly was the most amazing surprise ever and it really filled my heart to see her excitement.

  • The buzz of being surrounded by so many sexy, wonderful, intelligent openminded people. The Bedhoppers really do attract an amazing crowd.

  • The fact that we all sang Happy Birthday to Steve, who's birthday it wasn't.

  • Asking Mr Sprite for the time and him taking out his pocket watch with a certain flair and pizzazz.

  • The very important discussion as to whether T of TheTwoofus's bow ties should be untied or not. It really should and the situation was taken care off before long.

  • Watching LV and Mr Poprocks and Coke pose for a matching boxers picture

  • Discovering that a couple, WizardJester, had been so nervous about being at a lifestyle social that they had almost left. Luckily the fabulous J from TheTwoofus, spotted them alone and looking nervous, so she welcomed them and put their worries at ease. They were really happy that they had stayed, because lifestylers truly are the most welcoming and easy going bunch of people.

  • Being on my knees in front of Mrs Sluttypants at the very evening, erm, admiring her fabulousness and absolutely not pretending to be doing naughty things at all, nope.

  • The group picture and Mr L lording above the crowd.

  • The chat with Mr H about the issues with my hand, which thanks to that conversation I now call my wanking hand.

  • Clt_bang sneaking a kiss with Mr L

This is obviously not an exhaustive list of all the shenanigans that went on that night but it's definitely all the ones I witnessed or was involved in! Poor Mr L couldn't find me half the time, because I kept vanishing off to go and chat to people that caught my eye.

The social was meant to finish at midnight, yet somehow we were at the venue until 2pm. The only reason we left was because the bar staff switched off the music and switched on the lights!

That wasn't the end of the night though. Many of us were staying at the same hotel, so a bunch of us went straight into the hotel bar. Where we stayed for another hour or so. We had a great time. Some of the guys picked up the guitars that stood in the bar and started playing them. At some point J and I started pole dancing with the giant anchor that was decorating the hotel foyer! We were all clearly in a happy, excited mood. By 3.30 am, it really was time to head off to bed though and so that's what we did.

The morning came far far too soon, but we had a hotel breakfast to look forward to and to perk us up. Who doesn't love a hotel breakfast, right? When we got down to the restaurant, we discovered a number of social attendees were also having their breakfast, Mike and Ash, Number3_jjj and TypicalDru in particular. We sat near them and had a lovely chat over breadfast. Then later on, TheTwoofus joined us too and brought their usual madness to the conversation. They really are always such fun, no matter what time of day. Mr and Mrs C also popped by to say goodbye before going out for the day. To my shame I had already forgotten their names after chatting to them the night before, but I promise I have now memorised them forever! Before long, it was time to check out and go back home. What a great way to round off a fabulous social though. I most definitely recharged my batteries that evening and lived off the warm, fuzzy, sexy energy that I picked up during the social. It truly was an amazing night.

So that is the story of how our night at the Bedhoppers Social 2.0 went. What really stood out to me that night is the amount of people that were relatively new to the lifestyle that had been very nervous before the event and that had been a little bit terrified of going. Every single of these people then reported back the next day that the event was nowhere near as intimidating as they had feared. In fact, the contrary was true: everyone was friendly and welcoming and they got to talk to many many people.

If you are reading this blog and are considering taking your first steps into the lifestyle or are considering going to a social, whether it is the next Bedhoppers one or a local event, I hope that you are reassured by this blog post. In many ways socials are a perfect opportunity to take your first few steps and get to know other people in the lifestyle: as is in the name; they are purely social, so the pressure or fear that sex is expected is not there AND it's a social event; everyone is hoping to meet new people. Going up to someone and introducing yourself is relatively low risk at these events, because it is expected that this will happen. Not all socials are as well organised at the Bedhoppers one and not all have a pre-social chat you can join in with, but they're still places where people are open to make new connections and therefore worth checking out.

I hope that you found this blog both helpful and relatively entertaining and I hope to see you next time!

Lots of love,

Mrs L xx

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